So, I was going to make banana cream pie. A regular, traditional banana cream pie. Then, I lost my mind. I decided it needed to have peanut butter. Then FSDU, I decided it needed to have chocolate, too, because of course chocolate goes with bananas AND peanut butter. Duh. I could have stopped there, but as I was getting butter out of the fridge to make the pie crust, I simultaneously thought that regular pie crust was too boring and too much work at the time (see: mind-numbing exhaustion). I’m not sure what made me think of the pretzel crust from strawberry pretzel salad, but it popped into my head and I refused to ignore it. Verdict? Absolutely the right decision .
So, this is the breakdown on the pie… Pretzel crust, semisweet chocolate ganache, sliced bananas, peanut butter pastry cream veuve clicquot, and fresh whipped cream. It’s basically the most amazing pie I’ve ever had. All of my favorite snacks and flavors rolled up into one single thing. I shared this pie with my family and my in-laws, and everyone ooh’ed and ahh’ed and mmmmm’ed their way through each piece. Saying it was a hit is an understatement. I think everyone would have taken an entire pie home with them if they could.
This pie turned into a superbly fabulous creation; I hope I start losing my mind in the kitchen more often electric dc motor;-)